Pregnancy and Newborn Chiropractic

Chiropractic and Pregnancy
Pregnancy can bring an array of musculo-skeletal complaints which will usually just be temporary until baby is delivered. This could be as simple as general thoracic pain and headaches to the debilitating pain of PSD/pelvic pain
At Bulimba Chiropractic, we have a pregnancy table which drops away allowing baby to sit comfortably while you lie on your tummy for your treatment. This also allows Niki to assess your pelvic joints in a neutral position for dysfunction (SIJ, pubic symphysis, sacrum and lumbar spine).
Using the gentle activator tool, Niki can release the ligaments around specific areas of the pelvis to encourage muscles to relax, this is turn will assist in reducing pelvic and lumbar pain related to joint movement dysfunction in pregnancy. Conditions that Chiropractic can assist with in Pregnancy are:
- pubic symphysis dysfunction - intercostal (rib) pain - lumbar, mid thoracic and neck pain - pregnancy related headaches
how can chiropractic help with my pain during pregnancy?
There has been a number of studies looking into the effectiveness of chiropractic care in pregnancy related low back pain and the results look promising for those suffering with pregnancy related back pain
At Bulimba Chiropractic, Niki will use the most gentle forms of treatment. Her treatment table has an abdominal swing away section to prevent any unnecessary pressure on your growing baby. Additionally, Niki uses a pregnancy related exercise program to prescribe specific exercises relative to your complaint, which are safe to do in pregnancy.
Newborn Chiropractic
At Bulimba Chiropractic, we have seen many babies born as we treat their expectant mums. Niki offers a complimentary assessment of your newborn if you have received care with us during your pregnancy
Niki is certified in Inspiral technique for newborns, which is a neurology based treatment using gentle cranial and stretching techniques. At no point is manipulation used
At your baby's appointment we discuss your pregnancy and birth history. We look at your baby's current feeding regime and we discuss some of the foods that may be irritants for your newborn's tummy. We can teach you gentle settling techniques and if you baby has a mild torticollis, we can advise of some home stretches to ease the muscle tension in your baby's neck. Most importantly, we can asses your baby's suck and if it is contributing to air trapping (and gas in their tummy) or even causing mastitis
We understand that your baby is the most precious thing in the world and we discuss every aspect of your baby's care before we go ahead with any treatment.
If you would prefer to talk to us before booking an appointment, you can talk to Niki directly on 0434 059 242
Booking with us
If you would like to book an appointment with us, just click the book appointment link or call/text 0434 059 242.