Spinal Chiropractic Care

Techniques to improve your pain and function
Spinal manipulation is the age old tradition of Chiropractic. Chiropractors spend five university years learning how to safely manipulation the joints and they also learn when it’s not appropriate to manipulate. There are many different techniques that Chiropractors use, and you will often find that not one chiropractor will treat the same. However, we all have the same underlying philosophy that if spinal joints are not moving freely, they can cause an array of biomechanical problems. Some Chiropractors believe that joints that do not move freely can impinge on the nerves and also cause other health problems, however, there has been no scientific proof at this time to conclusively say this is the case.
At Bulimba Chiropractic, Niki has a strong biomechanical basis to her treatments, She looks at how the pelvic joints (Sacroiliac, Pubic Symphysis and Sacrum) are moving and how these are influencing the rest of your spine. Niki uses the following techniques for spinal and peripheral dysfunctional joints:
- Diversified Spinal Manipulation
- Activator Method Techniques
- Pelvic Blocks and Drops
- Joint mobilisation
Booking with Us
If you would like to book an appointment with us, just click the book appointment link or call/text 0434 059 242.